Vacation Internship Opportunities

Vacation Internships at Ngee Ann Polytechnic

Fill Your Vacation Period with NP's Vacation Internships

NP provides a high-quality Vacation Internship Programme that allows you to gain authentic work experience for up to six weeks during your vacation and build a network with industry partners. 

This invaluable opportunity lets you immerse yourself in various industries, acquire new skills relevant to the industry that are not covered in the classroom, and get a taste of internships, all while receiving an attractive allowance.

You'll have the chance to work with a diverse array of reputable companies, ranging from Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to Government Agencies, and much more. This experience aims to help you apply your academic knowledge to practical skills in real-world work environments.

How to Get Started?

The upcoming Vacation Internship period is from 26 Aug to 4 Oct 2024. Check out our full list of opportunities below! 

Application period is from 17 Jun to 17 Jul 2024

(Make sure you open up in Google Sheet to see the FULL list!)

VI Vacancies - August 2024.xlsx

Road Map and Key Deadlines

Vacation Internship Support

Do not hesitate to contact your Education & Career Coaches to explore how you can maximize the benefits of your vacation internship.